Appropriate Economics Movimento Monetario Mosaico

Take Action Now!

To make the world a better place, it really doesn't matter who you are, or where you are. Only by taking action where you are will things ever improve. We at Strohalm applies this philosophy to our work in Holland, and worldwide, wherever our programs are located.

It is not enough to protest against the negative effects of globalization when there are viable alternatives out there that need to be implemented. Protest - Meaninfgul Action = 0.

Academics and Researchers

If you are a Student, Professor or Researcher, there is much research to be done on the effects of money on poverty and development, on meaningful solutions and how to best replicate them in other locations. Our materials section contains thousands of pages of research that has already been done, and we are happy to give you a few ideas for research that has not been done yet. Follow the links on the left to explore some of what we have to offer.


If you are an Entrepreneur or simply a Business Owner, we can show you how to improve your competitive advantage and create a favourable climate for your business where you live. We have several programs underway that are focused on enterprises. If you'd like to learn more about these programs and how they can benefit your business, click here

Fieldworkers and Development Practitioners

If you are a Fieldworker, we can foresee many opportunities in implementing new economic projects throughout the Global South. If you are already working on similar programs, such as with a credit union, micro-credit program, self-help group, community infrastructure projects, or on issues such as housing, unemployment, income generation, you may want to see some of our programs that are focused on these issues, such as the Valuable Local Currency System, our Bonus Microcredit Program or our Consumer Commerce Circuit.


If you are an activist, we can show you how to turn protest into action. The first alarms are now ringing, thanks to those who have risked their personal safety to put the issue of third-world debt, neo-imperialism, inappropriate globalization on the agenda. The next step is to put appropriate alternatives into practice. This is what Strohalm is working on. As an activist, you can keep the movement headed in a positive direction by telling others what they can do to make changes where they live.


If you are a member of an Organization that is working on issues related to poverty and well-being, access to credit, enterprise development, skills-training, etc., we are willing to cooperate with you to introduce economic development programs and pilot projects.