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STRO - Social Trade Organisation

Social Trade Organisation, STRO ( in Dutch STROhalm), is a Research & Development network working in the field of micro-credit, development of small and medium enterprises and strengthening of local economies through complementary circuits of exchange.

How does it work?
The basic tool of STRO's methodologies is a circuit of exchange between producers and consumers. A part of the flow of money that enters a community through the purchasing power of these consumers, or connected governmental agencies, is circulating several times through the exchange circuit before it leaves the area, to bring as much unused capacities as possible back into productivity. Some of our projects are focussing on the very first step towards entrepreneurship, others are more elaborated tools to optimise the outreach of the existing economic actors. All projects result in more employment, income and opportunities for local communities to improve their living conditions.

Where are these innovative projects executed?
Most of the pilot-projects are concentrated in Brazil, Central-America, Asia and the Netherlands.

Why do we do this?
The monetary system favours the output in major economies. All too often it is not adapted to or even working against development, creating unnecessary poverty. The Information Technology is changing the nature of money, which offers new ways to step around these contradictions and create complementary trading systems. We visualize in the longer run worldwide, linked networks of local exchange circuits that might offer new chances on a decent living for everyone.
