Appropriate Economics Movimento Monetario Mosaico

Country Report:

El Salvador

Socio economic situation El Salvador
RET (Red Empresarial de Trueque)
Building Production Chains
Role of Strohalm
More information

Socio economic situation El Salvador

El Salvador is the smallest country of the region with 20,749 km2 and most densely populated. Of its 6.3 millions (in 2000) habitants 60.3 % lives in urban areas.

With a GDP of 13,217 millions US$ in 2,000, El Salvador reaches an average income per capita of 2,100 US$ and is certainly one of the more prosperous countries in the region.

However the distribution of the welfare is very concentrated, which results in a rather low Human Development Index of the UNDP of 0.70 occupying place 105 out of 173 countries. About 21 % of the population lives with less than a dollar per day and 44.5 % with less than 2 dollars per day.

Through history, natural disasters such as droughts, hurricanes and in particular earthquakes but as well political unrest have been destabilizing factors for the development of economic activity.

Agriculture is still the dominant sector of the economy, accounting for three quarters of export earnings. Coffee and sugar are the most important crops, but attempts have been made at diversification. Today, the most stable - and growing – revenues come from the more than 1 million Salvadorians living and working in the United States.

The country has adopted the dollar as its national currency.

RET (Red Empresarial de Trueque)

The RET is a network of small enterprises in the capital San Salvador, who exchange products and services between them without using the national money, but a system of internal accounts (expressed in UDIs) in a computer administration. Through their participation, members increase their sales and have access to interest free loans in UDIs.

The RET is coordinated by FADEMYPE, a leading local institution for micro and small enterprises development with a strong emphasis on integrated local development.

Building production chains

The Strohalm project aims to expand operations between members facilitating the development of production chains where buyers pay their suppliers of inputs in the local currency. One of the main strategies used will be the convertibility of UDIs in national currency at the top of the production chain, in case of very limited possibilities to spend the amount of internal (UDI) currency received from local buyers.

To attract the necessary liquidity in dollars consumers will be incorporated and stimulated to change dollars for UDIs which have a higher purchasing power and can be spent within the RET network (Circuit of Consumers and Commerce – C3).

The expected results of the project are twofold: A) Activation of the local economy of the intervention zone B) Lessons about the impact, efficiency and applicability of the method.

Role of Strohalm

Strohalm plays an advisory role, including selection and training of local staff, methodological support, software development, project and impact monitoring.

More information:

• About RET :
• About FADEMYPE :
• About Strohalm in Honduras : [email protected]